Larimar Homes



Specialized Therapeutic Foster Care


At Larimar we believe in the value and dignity of each individual. We believe each person has the right to self-determination and the opportunity to achieve their peak potential (self-actualization). Each individual has the right to be treated with respect, kindness and consideration, in an environment that provides the highest standard of care and quality of life possible.


Our mission is to provide services, which will enhance the quality of life for the people we serve. Based on our philosophy, we will provide genuine, quality care to families, individuals and children. We will do this through the development of programs and services that are environmentally and culturally sensitive. Using outcome measurements and best practice approaches, we strive to provide people with support and resources in order for them to develop resiliency and positive coping skills. This is achieved by delivering our services in a therapeutic milieu which consists of: structure, daily routines, consistency, supervision, coaching, positive reinforcement and healthy relationships.


Under our Foster Care license we provide a system of specialized therapeutic foster homes, offering from one to four co-ed beds for children 5-18 years of age. Each home will serve a child or group of children with similar needs such as age, developmental needs, interests, risks, mental health and behavioral needs. By having a number of specialized therapeutic foster homes we believe we are able to better match the needs of the individual children with the resources and dynamics of each home and the people that live there. This way placement decisions are based on successfully matching the child for long term care planning.

We believe that much can be accomplished by treating the children’s problems as they emerge, on a day-to-day basis. The management team, Foster Parents and Residential Youth Workers, work together to provide a therapeutic environment designed to help the child achieve increased emotional stability and improved behavioral functioning and social interaction. The goal is to build a positive peer culture within the home that encourages the children to invest themselves in the program and make the home their own.


Most children who attend our specialized therapeutic foster homes program are from dysfunctional families or families unable to cope with the difficulties and challenges they face. The children have usually experienced isolation and have been unaccepted in their homes, schools, and communities. Many of the children suffer from the effects of severe neglect, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, often compounded by significant medical and psychological problems. By the time they reach Larimar, they may have already been through multiple residential placements, services and present several severe symptoms and behaviors. The primary goal for the children in these homes is to provide them with the opportunity to experience a normal healthy living environment that lends itself to positive relationship building with healthy adults (the Foster Parents and Residential Youth Workers) and pro-social peer skills. The overall program focuses on helping the children to become successful positive members of our society by treating their presenting problems and teaching them the skills necessary to cope in their homes and community. Skills training, school retention and a reduction of harmful behaviours are targeted for overall success and personal growth.


We are convinced that the very makeup of the home, Foster Parents, Residential Youth Workers, the physical layout, the routines and policies, are in essence, the major elements of any program. We believe that the “family’s” overall health and wellbeing is essential and inseparable from the healthy growth of the child in care and success of the overall program. Larimar Homes strives to develop and enhance the well being of the family unit by providing ongoing training, supervision, and support.

Our aim is to provide a protective, stable, caring, and supportive environment in which children are given every possible opportunity and the encouragement to grow and mature towards responsible independence.

By using solution focused approaches and natural consequences we are able to work with children to build a strong sense of self worth and empower children thereby instilling in each child the strength, confidence and ability to enable him/her to become a responsible member of society.

In order for children to become responsible members of society they also need to develop a sense of belonging, healthy self-respect, self awareness, an understanding of integrity and of right and wrong and a sense of purpose and hope. These are all qualities that we try to impress upon them by creating a positive peer culture, through positive role modeling and educating the children in our program.

Children are urged to be “response-able” and take responsibility for their own actions and progress. They are given as much freedom about the home and throughout the community as they can safely handle. Positive one on one activities with foster parents, residential youth workers or support staff are used as frequently as possible, to provide the individual attention children need so badly.